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Monday, April 27, 2009

Connaught League Finals - Sun 26th April 2009

Our teams in Division 3 and Division 6 competed for Roscommon in the Connaught Finals in the Galway Lawn Tennis Club yesterday.

Division 6 gave a very good performance and while they gave their competitors cause for concern in a few of the games they were ultimately overcome by a very strong Galway team from Cortoon.

Division 3 however put up a fantastic performance against a Galway team from the Lawn Tennis Club and won the match in four straight games. They go on now to represent Connaught in Division 3 in the All-Ireland Finals on 17th May in Baldoyle in Dublin. Congratulations to Padraic, John, Sean, Ruth, Bernie, Mandy and Deirdre.

A word of thanks to our loyal supporters, the Sheridan clan and the Kiernan clan - thanks for being there!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Congratulations to the Division 5 team on reaching the County Final on Thursday last against a very good Ballinaheglish side. Just not in luck this year but great performance all round! Best of luck to the Ballinaheglish team in the Connaught Final on Sunday in Galway.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Division 6 - County Champions!

Congratulations to our Division 6 team, fantastic win on Tuesday night against a very good Glinsk side. It went down to the wire but thanks to a great performance by Derek and Geraldine in third mixed we took the match 4 to 3. Well done to everyone and good luck on Sunday next 26th April when they join our Division 3 team in Galway Lawn Tennis Club for the Connaught League Finals!

Monday, April 13, 2009


A couple of photos taken recently in Feb 09.


Welcome to Boyle Badminton Club!

Just thought it would be good to get us on the web given that we are having a pretty good year. Two teams heading for County Finals next week and Div 3 going to Connaught in two weeks time, here's hoping at least one of the other teams either Div 5 or 6 will join them there!

I'll update when I know more!