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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Boyle Badminton On Facebook!

"Boyle Badminton Club" has a facebook page and if you need any further details about our Club, Competitions etc. please visit this page.  Also you can contact either of the following mobiles for further information, Bernie @ 0863754797 or Tom@ 0866027120.  Thank You.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Connacht Masters

Best of luck to all players from our club taking part in the Connacht Masters in Galway Lawn Tennis Club today!

Saturday, October 18, 2014


We are having our AGM on mon night Oct 20th in the complex at 9pm. Looking forward to seeing all our members!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Juvenile Blitz

We are hosting the First Blitz in the Sports Complex tomorrow Sun 5th Oct.
U9 and U11 from 2.00pm-3.30pm
U13, U15 and U17 from 3.30pm-6.00pm
Good luck to all!

Up & Running!

Its great to be back for another year, We had 17  players on opening night and 16 on the following night. Badminton continues on mon & thurs nights every week, we need to keep our numbers up so please tell your friends!  Shuttles are working out very expensive for us, we will be having our AGM in the coming weeks so we will be looking for ideas on  how to manage this expense.
Ben Caldwell from BI visited our club and was very impressed with our facilities, he will return later in the year to meet more of our members.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Badminton Resumes!

Boyle Badminton resumes on Thursday night Sept 18th 9 30-1130pm in our newly refurbished Sports Complex.  Coaching will be provided for New Members and for those who wish to improve their badminton skills.  It will continue on Mon nights also 9-11pm.  For further information contact; 0863754797/0866027120.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Easter Break!

There will be no badminton in the complex tonight (holy thurs) or next mon night (BH). Hope you all have a lovely Easter and see you all again on Thurs April 24th.