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Monday, January 31, 2011

Connaught Closed A - Sligo Jan 29 2011

The Connaught Closed A for Divisions 1 and 2 took place in Sligo Lawn Tennis Club on Saturday 29th January 2011. There were some entries from Boyle in Mens Singles, Mens Doubles, Ladies Doubles and Mixed Doubles.

The doubles combinations of Marcin Paluch and John Kiernan and Ruth O Hart and Dianne Grappe both qualified to the semi final in their respective competitions but unfortunately did not get any further. There were also Boyle pairings in the semi finals of the mixed doubles competitions and having come up against some very strong competition they were unlucky not to have advanced to the final stage.

Well done to everyone who took part!

Friday, January 28, 2011

We need your old phones please...

Badminton Ireland have joined forces with the Jack and Jill Childrens Foundation to try to raise funds for sick children and their new scheme is "Phones for Kits".

If we, as a club, collect 160 old mobile phones we will receive an equipment pack which would include some rackets, shuttles, net, racket bag, fitness equipment and club polo shirts.

If anyone has an old mobile phone at home or if you know someone who gets their phone upgraded regularly and may have a collection of old phones please bring them in to the badminton club. Its for a very good cause and it will benefit the club also.

If everyone could get two or three phones we wouldn't be long collecting 160!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Roscommon Closed Ballygar Sun 23 Jan 2011

There were thirteen players from the Boyle club taking part in Doubles & Mixed competition in the Roscommon Closed in Ballygar on Sunday.

Trevor McDermott & Gabriel Regan played very well in Grade D Mens Doubles getting through to the semi-final. In Grade C Mixed, Tom Cox and Bernie Lavin also qualified for a semi-final.

Everyone enjoyed a nice day of badminton and it was a good chance to meet other players from Roscommon clubs. The Ballygar club who are only new to the league this year have a lovely sports hall and welcomed everyone with warm hospitality.

Hopefully the Roscommon Closed will be an annual event in the County badminton calendar.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Report - Connaught Closed B Sat 15th Jan 2011

We enjoyed another fantastic day of badminton this year for the Connaught Closed Junior B competition in Boyle on Saturday 15th January.

There were 47 competitors from all over Connaught taking part on Saturday in Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles and every player enjoyed plenty of games as apart from Mens Singles all the competitions were played on a Round Robin basis. Play started shortly after 10 in the morning and the last final finished at 8.30pm. We were delighted to receive such favourable comments from those participating and the general feeling was that they enjoyed a wonderful day's badminton, excellent hospitality and a very warm welcome in Boyle.

The winners on the day were:-
Mens Singles: Conor Caheny, Sligo LTC
Womens Singles: Janie Fahey, Loughglynn BC
Mens Doubles: Sean Carroll & Ciaran Oates, Boyle BC
Womens Doubles: Francie Mahon & Siobhan Parker, Sligo LTC
Mixed Doubles: Coadie & Janie Fahey, Loughglynn BC

A day like this can't happen without the dedication and committment of the club and committee. There were many of our members who helped out both on the evening before preparing the complex and on the day itself.

Thank you to the Friday night team, Padraic, Mandy, Sean, Cormac, Derek, Anthony, Deirdre and Trevor.

Thanks to our medical experts Derek Nolan and Paul Bradley for being on hand all day.

The shop was managed very well all day by Claire and Emily, there was great praise for the delicious sandwiches which were available right to the end of the day. Thank you girls! Also we must say thank you to Emer in Cooneys for the shop supplies, John for the fruit and Carmel Carroll for the soup.

Thanks to Donie O Connor for allowing us the use of his PA, it made calling players for courts much more manageable.

We had Cormac, Sean and Anthony on hand for most of the day to make sure there were new shuttles on the court before each game and for general jobs that needed looking after around the complex. Thank you also Sean for lending your laptop and projector. Seamus came in with his camera and stayed on until the end to take the prize giving photographs. Thank you lads.

Finally in the office there was Siobhan Ryan, Una and myself on registration, draw and score management but there was one lady who kept the whole show running for the day, if she hadn't been there I can't imagine how it would have run off so well and on schedule - you're a star, Mandy!

I hope I haven't left anyone out but in case I have I just want to say a HUGE thank you to absolutely everyone who helped in any way to make Saturday the success it was. We've shown once again that Boyle can be considered as a venue equal to the other large badminton centres in the west for hosting these events.
Well done everyone!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Roscommon Closed Competition

The Roscommon Closed Competition will be held in Ballygar Sports Complex on Sunday January 23rd, 2011. Competition is open to all registered players in Roscommon.

Further details are available on the website where the entry form is also available for down load.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Connaught Closed Junior B Competition - Jan 15th 2011

The Connaught Closed B Competition will be held in Boyle again this year on Saturday 15th January and is open to all players from Division 3, 4, 5 and 6. There will be Singles, Doubles and Mixed Competition with Singles starting at 10am, Mens and Ladies Doubles to start at 12.30pm and Mixed to start at 4pm approximately.

While the lead in time is short (this is mainly due to adverse weather we had in December which meant the club hardly met at all!) we hope that as many of our own players as possible will participate and we hope that all of those who thoroughly enjoyed last years competition will be able to come back again this year.

To make the competition a similar success to last year we will need all hands on deck so if you're available on Saturday 15th January even for an hour to give a hand in the shop or at the desk it will be greatly appreciated. There are plenty of jobs for everyone!
Entries for the competition should be returned to Mandy on the official entry form which will be available on club nights or can be emailed if preferred (
